Summer Flower Show 2024

We were delighted to welcome many new entrants, familiar faces and prior winners to the marquee with their exhibits on Saturday 13th July. Visitors were treated to displays of home grown flowers, including fragrant sweet peas, roses and perennials, beautiful flower arrangements in miniature, petite and foliage, as well as a display of exquisite button holes and imaginative depictions of nursery rhymes. The cookery classes saw some stiff competition with mouth watering rows of cherry cakes and fruit muffins. The children’s miniature gardens and fruit and vegetable faces were very creative and really made our visitors smile.

The elusive sun this summer meant that the show came a little early for most fruit and vegetable growers, but not for Stephen Luck, whose fine displays rightfully earned him the cup.  A double delight is that he is carrying on the tradition of his father Eric Luck, who we were very sorry to learn passed away in January. Eric’s support and enthusiasm for horticulture and the Society’s shows is clear to see etched on so many of our cups and recorded countless times in our Awards Book – he will always be remembered.

We would like to thank everyone who took part, our judges, our helpers and all those who came along and supported the show, we hope you enjoyed it. If you have never taken part then we hope you will be inspired to be a part of the show next year.


Summer Show Award Winners:

  • Mr Mrs R A Paterson Challenge Cup: for highest points in vegetable classes: Mr S Luck
  • Mr & Mrs Barry Williams Challenge Cup: for best exhibit in rose classes: Ms A Evershed
  • Mr & Mrs Stephen White Challenge Cup: for best exhibit in sweet pea classes: Mr T Borland
  • The Society’s Challenge Cup: for highest points in flower classes: Ms J Godden
  • The Society’s Challenge Bowl: for highest points in cookery classes: Ms J Godden
  • Thompson Challenge Salver: for best exhibit in flower arrangement classes: Ms P Playfoot
  • The Society’s Perennial Cup: for best exhibit in perennial classes: Ms H Coombes
  • Anne Harris Cup: for best exhibit in the children’s classes: George Bilney & Isobel Bilney