About Us

About the Society

The Society was founded in 1877 making it one of the oldest in England.  We are an enthusiastic and friendly group for anyone sharing an interest in gardens and gardening.  The Society aims to help its members to develop their interest in gardening by holding talks on horticultural topics, organising flower shows and arranging visits to gardens of interest.

Over the winter months there is a series of six talks related to gardens and gardening.  Then the Spring Show gives everybody a chance to show off their daffodils and exhibitors can compete for a cluster of silver cups awarded for spring plants, shrubs, flower arrangements and cookery.  In high summer the annual flower show is held in a marquee on Matfield Green providing a traditional backdrop to the village fete.  There members and other enthusiasts can enjoy some friendly competition for best vegetables, fruits, roses, sweet peas and other summer flowers. There are also classes for flower arranging, cookery and a children’s section.


Membership of the Society is open to anyone interested in gardening and/or gardens and living in Brenchley, Matfield and surrounding parishes.  Members pay an annual subscription; the normal payment date is 24th June in each year.  The annual subscription for each year is determined by the Committee, who have regard to the views of the Members.

  • Single Annual Membership is £10.00.
  • Family Annual Membership is £15.00.

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